J E T – L A G – R E C O V E R Y – T R E A T M E N T Rp2190 - Order now >
90 Minutes
Easy away the symptoms of Jetlag such as Fatigue, Insomnia and Dehydration
with The Lombok Lodge Hospitality Post-Flight PamperingTreatment includes a Refreshing Ginger Body Scrub, a Hydrating Facial Mask, and Jet-Lag Recovery & Stress Relieving Massage
T L L H – H O T – S T O N E – M A S S A G E Rp1690 - Order now >
90 Minutes
Smooth Rinjani Lava Stones – heated from the inside by combining natural minerals and salt water – glide over your body, creating a blissful feeling of warmth and relaxation
The direct heat relaxes the muscles allowing more intense muscle stimulation while creating a unique Sense of Comfort and Warmth